Service heißt für uns nicht nur persönlich für Sie da zu sein. Unser Service-Versprechen an Sie ist, Ihnen immer noch ein bisschen mehr zu bieten: Mehr Zuverlässigkeit, mehr Information, mehr Leistung und die größtmögliche Entlastung.
Wir geben Ihnen hier eine Übersicht über unsere weiteren Service-Angebote – angefangen von unseren Qualitätsstandards, über Produkte und Angebote für Ihren umfassenden medizinischen Bedarf zuhause, bis hin zur profesionellen Praxisversorgung fürÄrzte.
AMTS-qualifizierte Apotheke
AMTS-qualified pharmacies have been awarded since the start of the training pharmacy concept in October 2012 in Westphalia-Lippe. The AMTS managers have completed the curriculum of the German Federal Chamber of Pharmacists "Medication Analysis, Medication Management as a Process", passed the AMTS seminars and carried out medication analyses with patients in the pharmacy.
AMTS is the totality of measures to ensure an optimal medication process with the aim of reducing medication errors and thus avoidable risks for patients during drug therapy.
Diet advice
You want to lose weight permanently and safely? The recipe for success is easy: You reduce your calorie intake and eat a more conscious, balanced and therefore healthier diet and exercise more than usual. In this way, without starving yourself, you can comfortably lose one to two kilograms a month and achieve a higher level of health through exercise. Through this type of diet, you will ensure a healthy weight loss that will last in the long term.
5 tips on nutrition:
- leave out the second helping
- Reduce the fatty foods and replace them with fruits and vegetables
- replace sugary drinks (e.g. cola or fruit juices) with water or drink light products
- try to avoid eating sweets and/or snacks
5 tips for exercise:
- Ride your bike more often
- go for a walk more often
- get off one stop earlier and walk the rest
- use commercial breaks on TV to get some exercise
- go dancing more often
If you follow these admittedly simple rules, you will lose weight in the long run and live healthier without restricting yourself.
If you have any questions on this topic, please contact one of our employees. Lehmann's pharmacies will be happy to accompany you on your way to a healthy diet. In the event that you need supportive medications for your diet, we will also be happy to advise you on this in word and deed. We carry a wide range of supporting diet products.
Schwerpunkt-Apotheke Diätberatung: Apotheke Schwalbenohl in Attendorn
Geriatric care
In most cases, especially elderly patients suffering from multiple diseases take different medications during the same treatment period or over a longer period of time. However, national and international studies show that this can lead more frequently to drug-related intolerances and complications. Older people are therefore affected here with above-average frequency.
Geriatric pharmacy prevents drug-related problems through targeted medication management. It identifies problems in advance and helps to solve them. The goal is to improve people's care while saving the healthcare system unnecessary follow-up costs. We care for elderly, multimorbid patients at home as well as in nursing facilities in Attendorn, Plettenberg and Herscheid. Take advantage of the service of our professional medication management.
Health tests
We would like to draw your attention to our health screening service: Just one drop of blood from your fingertip and we will determine your blood glucose level within a few minutes, for example. The aim of this screening is early detection and prevention.
Hausapotheke Check
Viele Hausapotheken bergen so manche Überraschung: eine Vielzahl angebrochener Arzneimittel, teils mit, teils ohne Verpackung und Beipackzettel, zusammengedrängt auf engstem Raum, und keiner kennt sich mehr aus …
Hausapotheke checken lassen – für Ihre Sicherheit!
Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Hausapotheke optimal zu bestücken! Wir überprüfen Ihre Bestände an Arzneimitteln auf Haltbarkeit und Stabilität und beraten Sie, was unbedingt hineingehört: von wichtigen Medikamenten über Notfallmittel bis hin zu praktischen Hilfsmitteln. So sind Sie für kleine und große Gesundheitsfälle gut vorbereitet.
What belongs in a medicine cabinet?
- Painkiller
- Pain and fever remedies for children
- Circulation means
- Cold remedy
- Sore throat remedy
- Cough expectorant
- Flu medication
- Gastrointestinal
- Diarrhea remedy
- Wound and healing ointment
- Wound dressing materials
- Sports gel or ointment
- Eye drops
- Ear drops
Hausapotheke für bestimmte Personengruppen
Haushalten mit kleinen Kindern oder Senioren stellen besondere Anforderungen an die Hausapotheke: Neben Standardmedikamenten für den Alltag sollten altersgerechte oder kindersichere Mittel bereitstehen. Unsere Informations-Flyer geben Ihnen dazu wertvolle Hinweise:
The skin not only protects us against external influences, but also serves as a sensory organ (e.g. for temperature, pressure or pain). It is vital and requires intensive care. With us you will receive detailed advice on how to protect your skin from environmental influences and care for it at the same time. Of course, you will also receive a variety of skin care products.
Our permanent care program includes:
- Olive oil ®
- Roche-Posay ®
- Eucerin ®
- Vichy ®
- frei ®
- Leti ®
- Unifarco ®
- Dermasence ®
- Linola ®
Methadone supply
Methadone is a synthetically produced opioid and has an analgesic effect without producing a state of intoxication. As part of their care, drug addicts receive methadone as a substitute substance to make their lives easier. The controlled supply of the substitute offers a way out of addiction and a way back into society.
In concrete terms, the supply works in such a way that patients appear at the pharmacy and take the methadone under the supervision of the specialist staff (visual reference). Until an addicted person is discontinued, the intake happens daily. However, drug-addicted individuals who fail to make the jump to abstinence require long-term care. If a number of factors apply, the doctor can also prescribe a take-home supply after "consulting" with the patient, in which the patient takes the drug on his or her own responsibility without further supervision.
Are you addicted and looking to make the jump? Feel free to contact us.
Professionelle Praxisversorgung
Zuverlässige Versorgung von Arztpraxen
Unsere Priorität liegt auf der Versorgung von Arztpraxen und dabei steht stets die Zufriedenheit von Ärzten, Patienten und Praxispersonal im Fokus. Sie können sich auf einen zuverlässigen, kooperativen und individuellen Ablauf verlassen – genau nach Ihren Bedürfnissen gestaltet.
Unser Botendienst gewährleistet eine zeitnahe Auslieferung, abgestimmt auf Ihre persönlichen Wünsche.
Wenn Sie Fragen zu Arzneimitteln, Impfstoffen oder Hilfsmitteln haben, zögern Sie nicht, uns anzusprechen. Wir bieten umfangreiche und kompetente Beratung.
Unser Sortiment für den Praxisbedarf umfasst eine vielfältige Auswahl an Markenprodukten:
Wir bieten Ihnen folgende Leistungen an:
Smartphone Apps
Rental service
In unserem Verleihservice stellen wir Ihnen medizinische Geräte für Ihren temporären Bedarf zur Verfügung. Sie haben so die Möglichkeit, bei akutem Bedarf und in bestimmten Situationen hochwertige Instrumente bei sich zuhause einzusetzen, die zuverlässig funktionieren, ohne dass Sie selbst ein teures, professionelles Gerät anschaffen müssen.
A new citizen has arrived - congratulations on the baby! Breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful experiences for mother and child. From the very beginning, the infant experiences love, warmth and security through the intimate contact. Breastfeeding offers the baby the most natural and healthiest form of nutrition, as all important nutrients and protective substances are contained in the mother's milk. Nature has made good provision for this, but nevertheless problems occasionally occur during breastfeeding, but these should not be a cause for concern. Breast pumps are ideal aids for the following difficulties: if you want to express some milk when your breasts are full and you find it difficult to do this by hand, if you have sensitive or sore nipples, if the milk-giving reflex needs to be prepared or if milk production needs to be stimulated because infantile sucking is not sufficient.
To pump out some milk from the overfull breast occasionally, the manually operated model you can buy from us is sufficient. If mother and child ever need more powerful support, we offer breast pumps for rent for a fee. Our electric intermittent breast pumps are the ideal aid for reduced or increased milk production, milk engorgement, sensitive or sore nipples and short-term separation of mother and child. They are ideal for use in the hospital, at home, on the road or at work. The sucking rhythm corresponds exactly to that of the baby. The adjustable suction strength also ensures gentle, effective pumping of breast milk. Our breast pumps meet the highest hygiene standards. Parts that come into contact with milk are autoclavable, dishwasher-safe and boilable. A doctor's prescription for the pumps or the necessary accessories is possible. Please discuss this possibility with your attending physician.
Inhalation devices
Respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic bronchitis are on the rise around the world. Children are particularly affected. A tried-and-tested means of treating respiratory diseases is inhalation, which allows the drugs to act directly at the site of the disease. Today, modern electric inhalation devices are used for this purpose, which atomize medicines into a fine mist that is inhaled and reaches the respiratory tract directly. For children and babies, there are special attachments that allow the little ones to inhale even while they sleep. You can borrow these inhalation devices from our branch network for a fee. Of course, you can also buy these devices from us at favorable conditions.
Blood glucose meters
Older people in particular should check their blood glucose levels regularly. If elevated values (diabetes) have been detected more often, doctors will prescribe medication or insulin. Especially then, checking blood glucose levels several times a day using test strips and a blood glucose meter is urgently required. However, the costs for this are not always covered by health insurance.
We will be happy to show you current blood glucose meters and help you handle the easy-to-use devices. In addition, we will lend you these devices for a small fee. Of course, you can also buy a device from us that is tailored to your needs.
Blood pressure monitors
The risks of elevated blood pressure lie in the late effects such as heart and circulatory diseases, which can lead to stroke. For a small fee, we lend you blood pressure monitors and thus offer you the opportunity to check your blood pressure at home. In addition, you will receive a blood pressure passport to present to your doctor. Early detection and the introduction of countermeasures can minimize the risks to your own health. Of course, we also offer various devices for purchase.
Vital substance consulting
In the case of deficiencies of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants (radical scavengers), we provide dietary advice and recommendation of nutritional supplements to stabilize the immune system and to prevent infections and diseases. In addition, we will be happy to advise you on the treatment and implementation with vitamin and reconstruction preparations for acute treatment of deficiencies or immune deficiencies.
Ein Mehr an Vitaminen ist sinnvoll, da im Stoffwechsel bei Verdauung, Sport und Sonnenbestrahlung immer Freie Radikale (aggressive Stoffwechselprodukte) entstehen. Sie diffundieren in die Zelle und können diese Tumore verursachen oder das Immunsystem beeinflussen. Freie Radikale werden durch Radikalfänger (Antioxidantien), insbesondere Vitamin C, D, E, Selen und Karotin, eingefangen und unterstützen so den Körper im Kampf gegen schwere Erkrankungen.
Die meisten guten Multivitamine enthalten allerdings Betakarotin, welches bei Rauchern in Verruf geraten ist und dort mit Krebs assoziiert wird. Wenige moderne Multivitaminpräparate ersetzen Betacarotin durch Lutein, welches die Vorteile, aber nicht die Nachteile des Betakarotins besitzt. Lutein, auch ein Karotin, ist zudem augenprotektiv.